Register as new Customer

Register as:

The username (used for login) can only contain letters, numbers and underscore. 2-32 characters are allowed.

Secure password: A secure password consists of no less than 8 characters, including capital and lower case letters, numbers and special chars. 72 chars maximum are allowed. Please keep in mind that the availability of your purchase(s) can depend on the password. You should also make sure that no unauthorized person has access to your provided email-address.


Additional information written on the invoice below the company name. This can be i.e. your custom internal provider number for us.

The postal street information. You can provide up to 3 lines. It should contain the information so that it looks like a correct street address when printed on a letter (without postal code, city, state and country information).

The postal code without the country code.
e.g.: 5020

The phone number must begin with a plus ("+") sign, followed by a country code (1-3 digits), followed by a dot ("."), followed by a sequence of digits (14 digits max.) representing the telephone number.
e.g.: +41.1234567890

The fax number must begin with a plus ("+") sign, followed by a country code (1-3 digits), followed by a dot ("."), followed by a sequence of digits (14 digits max.) representing the facsimile number.
e.g.: +41.1234567890

Please make sure that your email-address is valid and that nobody but you has access to it.


Your account's currency.

The language used for notifications and for invoices. To update the language of this interface, please use the language selector above.

How did you find us? Describe it in a few words.


  • Step 1
    define your individual properties
  • Step 2
    confirm your customer registration
  • Step 3
    customer registration finished
User Login
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